So let me say this about food...I don't come from a family who diets. One time I bought reduced fat Wheat Thins and my Dad immediately asked my Mom if I had an eating disorder. Yes because 1 box of reduced fat crackers= eating disorder. Imagine what would have happened to me if I brought home coconut butter. I would have probably been sent to a juvenile detention center.
Well life has changed. I am now surrounded by hippie food. I happily serve Russ almond yogurt, soy milk, coconut butter, dairy-free bread, etc. I even make him Namaste pancakes, which get this, are $8.99. For pancakes. (* See previous post about me being cheap. This kills me but Russ freaking inhales them.)
In 2 months we can try to give him food with milk baked-in. Some kids' bodies don't recognize the milk once it's been cooked. I'm hoping this is true for Russ. That would make things a lot easier! Either way, he is so much happier and I don't have to call people and ask them what their kid's poop looks like anymore. If you wanted to know, Russ' kind of looks like organic almond butter.