Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pregnancy Brain vs. Toddler Brain

If you have ever been pregnant or have lived with a pregnant woman, you know about pregnancy brain. In fact, my former teaching partner knew I was pregnant the moment I walked into school with my dress on inside out and backwards. Normally she wouldn't have said anything just to have a good laugh but this time she immediately called me out as "pregnant." How did she know? Because I was turning into a complete idiot- well, more than usual.

This time I have pregnancy brain AND live with a toddler. Toddlers' brains seem to be related to pregnancy brains. However, they don't have as bad of a reputation since they are like 1 1/2 yrs old and mine is like 30, ok, almost 31.  (omg, I just barfed a little...)

Things have gotten a little ridiculous, so I thought I would take some pictures over the last few days, just to document what we are dealing with. The question is- who did it? Russ or me? Or Ollie. I forgot, we can still blame things on the dog.
Nobody shaves anymore. Whose shaver and why is it in bed?

Phone in the dog food

Sippy cup and that dang shaver in MY bathroom cabinet.

This could have been anyone.

So maybe I "TEXify" my hair to give it some "umf". However, in the middle of rat-nesting my hair, Russ needed me and I totally forgot to smooth it out. 15 min later I looked in the mirror to find Snookie. Russ' fault.

This isn't part of the pregnancy/ toddler game brain. This is just something else that happened. It's hard to see in this picture but unfortunately easy to see in person. So, there was a huge cockroach in my bathroom (gag) that I couldn't reach to murder. Evan came in and killed it. I didn't think about it again until a few days ago when I noticed the blood and guts smeared all over the wall. Umm...Evan? I couldn't reach the cockroach. Now I can't reach the blood and guts.

We are falling apart around here.


  1. I'm whitney's friend, Ashley.. Just stumbled upon your hillllarious blog!!! :))

    1. Thank you so much!!! I love writing and have a ton of material from my nut job family. Just need more time to write it down!

    2. Thank you so much!!! I love writing and have a ton of material from my nut job family. Just need more time to write it down!
